We live in an era where superficiality prevails, often leading us to avoid exploring the depth of issues and settling for surface-level engagement. Our attention is constantly drawn to quick flashes of clickbait images, celebrities, big brands, and clichés. This tendency to avoid deeper understanding also contributes to growing social fragmentation. This division is exacerbated not only by limited media representations but also by how individuals interact and behave, sometimes reinforcing divides rather than seeking to understand diverse perspectives.
For COPE, it is crucial to understand how messages and influences are disseminated and perceived in our society. These processes play multiple and sometimes contradictory roles in our personal and collective lives, shaping our understanding of the world and influencing our interactions and behaviors. COPE explores these aspects to reveal the complex dynamics underlying them and to encourage a deeper reflection on their impact.
COPE uses technology to capture the gaze of others. The resulting eye-tracking data becomes the raw material for its compositions, integrating the influence of others’ gazes from the very beginning of the creative process.
As individuals and as a society, we face conflicts often due to differences in perceptions, what has been communicated or heard. Could we improve our situation by seeing the world through the eyes of others? This is the perspective COPE strives to offer, inviting everyone to explore and reflect on the richness and diversity of the gazes around us.
Through its works, COPE aims to create a space for reflection and dialogue, where each gaze contributes to a deeper understanding of our human condition. By capturing and integrating others' perspectives, COPE hopes to not only reveal the subtle influences shaping us but also to promote collective awareness and a more authentic connection with the world around us.